
As I state above, this is my blog on my struggles and how I fight thru it all. (I'm explaining in two places to make my blog more accessible lol... still learning all this stuff) Let me introduce myself, I will not be using my real name, nor any real names of people included in this, meaning names will be changed so don't try to google them =] ) Ok, so the name I will be using is Dessy, it's a nickname I was given years ago. This is simply a blog on what I've been thru and what I am doing to combat them, my intensions being to provide myself an outlet and provide others who struggle in similiar ways with hope. I hope you enjoy and please no negative comments (this is a blog for hope!)

Friday, December 17, 2010

trying to do a daily post =]

Im really cold and frustrated lol…. My external hard drive is deciding to not work… great. And bored… I’ve made great progress on my cross stitch. I find it funny when my puppy snores…
this is what i look like waiting for customer service.... la la la someone pick up come on... la la la... i hope whoever picks up doesnt have a heavy accent cuz I have issues understanding people with accents... la la la... this music is at least pretty and not too annoying la la la... la... la la la... come on I could be doing other stuff right now.... what do you mean I only have 30 days after this for free customer support... on the 31st day my external hard drive is gonna crap out on me.... awww.... come on pick up....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Technology doesnt like me... XD

So I have tried to post videos and they all didnt work. 1 was because I wanted to add effects to it and so its taking forever to process the 2nd was me being impatient and closing the window too soon. the 3rd and 4th were from a different webcam than I normally use so the sound keeps getting that annoying static sound... idk y... I'll post another video and/or another blog that actually has something to do about the topics of the blog at a later point. Sry all!
Peace out =]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Im super excited, I got a great review from linkreferral. I was really happy. Happy happy excited excited