
As I state above, this is my blog on my struggles and how I fight thru it all. (I'm explaining in two places to make my blog more accessible lol... still learning all this stuff) Let me introduce myself, I will not be using my real name, nor any real names of people included in this, meaning names will be changed so don't try to google them =] ) Ok, so the name I will be using is Dessy, it's a nickname I was given years ago. This is simply a blog on what I've been thru and what I am doing to combat them, my intensions being to provide myself an outlet and provide others who struggle in similiar ways with hope. I hope you enjoy and please no negative comments (this is a blog for hope!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hate is a strong word

Ok so, I mainly started a blog to do videos (vblogs) but taken my room mate is trying to sleep, I can't do a video, but I PROMISE, I will eventually do a vblog (is it vblog or vlog?? lol)

Anyways, So, I'm tired of the hate in the world. I'm tired of people being harassed for being gay, transgender, black, jew, christian, etc etc etc. I mean, come on, I can't be the only person who is tired of all the hate going on! I, myself, am harassed for being nice... I mess up once and I get called a b**** and a w****... how is that right? Why do we call ouselves human kind, if we aren't kind? Why do we call ourselves the most evolved species if we kill each other for money, for no reason, or even just "to see how it feels"? Ok ok i haven't heard anyone call humans the most evolved species but I needed to get my point across.

In this era of texting and facebook, being mean to someone is easier because it is simply words on a screen. When you just write the words down, you don't see their reaction, you might get a response, but seeing the hurt in their eyes is a whole new level and without that people are more likely to keep hurting people thru texts and facebook. If you see the hurt, at least for me, I will think "oh shoot, should not have said that, let's not do that again!"

Off topic a little, I'm currently getting "yelled at" over facebook for asking a 'friend' what his status was about, cuz it sounded like someone passed away so I was gonna tell him sorry to hear about that but he started 'yelling' saying that I don't care and complaining about my sister who he dated. I really dislike it when people complain about my family to me.

I don't understand why people can be so hateful. Yes, people have different opinions. What especially bothers me is when people hate others for the way the others were born. Being gay is debatable if your born that way or aquired (I side with being born gay) but being born black or white or indian (etc) or mentally or physically disabled is not a choice. A soul does not say, "oh hey I wanna be born with brain damage because I want people to make fun of me and I want to have a difficult life" NO! You could argue that God (or whatever you believe in) makes you that way to prove to yourself and others about strength and equality etc. I kinda agree with this, but obviously ITS NOT WORKING!

I'm curious what the percentage of people are actually as hateful as we seem. It is true that the people who make the most noise get the most attention.

Ok, im tired and don't really know what else to say besides STOP THE HATE!... so bye until the next post...

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